Monday, November 18, 2019

Should NCAA Division Football Players Get Paid Assignment

Should NCAA Division Football Players Get Paid - Assignment Example Putting aside for the moment that these athletes that participate in the more popular sports earn millions of dollars for the university and that other students reap these benefits as well, athletes are denied the same lack of restrictions to earn while they learn and as a result, should be somewhat compensated.    The sum of this stipend is arguable but a reasonable amount of, for instance, $100 per month does not seem out of line. â€Å"The problem is the athletes who help schools and conferences make that money do not see a dime of it. They may receive scholarships, but so do students who don’t help the school make money in any way. Players should get a stipend on top of their scholarships so that they see some of the money they helped the school make. If schools can profit off of student-athletes, why should those athletes not be paid for helping schools make money?† (Zivic, 2006). This paper will examine the various reasons why college football players should be paid. The NCAA alone makes more than $200 million each winter on the bowl games that follow the regular football season, an amount that doesn’t count the dividends the individual conferences enjoy. Now add up ticket and concession proceeds, corporate sponsorships and money gained from merchandise sales that without the presence of sports would not be funneled into a university annually. The athletes know that they generate literally many billions of dollars for their schools, yet are not allowed to earn even pocket change while at school, giving they're all for ‘ole State U. Athletes are allowed only the most meager of existence under NCAA regulations. Meanwhile, they witness other students with money enough at least for an occasional date and their coach earning a multi-million dollar salary but know that they are the ones that make the greatest sacrifices. â€Å"Athletes see what’s in it for everybody else.

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